IBD - Inclusive By Design

Years: 2000-2002

Partners: IFAC-CNR; ICS-FORTH, Institute of Computer Science of Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas; ITA, Institute of Technology and Work; VFA, Valter Fissamber and Associates Ltd.

Description: Inclusive By Design concerned the potential of new forms of social exclusion, which may emerge in the course of the move towards the knowledge economy and society. Inclusive By Design is based upon the hypothesis that proactive approaches in the design and development of technology (e.g., as promoted by the principles of 'design for all') will contribute to combating social exclusion in employment, vocational training, and education, while meeting prevailing economic constraints and needs (e.g., economic efficiency). Consequently, the project strived to identify best practice examples of proactive measures towards inclusion, and as a result, it promoted recommendations on realistic frameworks of policy measures and initiatives to stimulate, facilitate or support these proactive measures towards mainstreamingemployment, vocational training and education.