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Scenario 2

The AVANTI Kuusamo System contains information on travelling and accommodation in Kuusamo and its surroundings. The occasional traveller is able to search for general tourist information, to set various criteria for the selection of accommodation and to browse different accommodation alternatives. The system was developed with two different telecommunications technologies in mind (ATM and N-ISDN) that are currently commercially available in all parts of Finland.

The scenario aims to demonstrate the Kuusamo information system and to provide some hints on the supported adaptive and adaptable features. A series of representative screens shows the different information that are provided by the system according to the adaptation parameters (i.e. user expertise, user interests, season, language) as well as suggestions and changes to the provided pages during the interaction session (at run-time) as a result of changes to the user states and the interaction situations reported by the user modelling component.

(Slide show available)