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Future Market
Potentials of the AVANTI Technology

The AVANTI system is likely to be of great interest to organizations who provide information and services and are looking for new ways to improve the range, efficiency and quality of the provision.

ConsoleThrough adapatability and adaptivity the AVANTI system can provide a new way to focus and tailor information which will have relevance to both the consumer and to the organization who may know of many solutions depending on the type of consumer. In addition information can be in more depth since irrelevant information is minimized and consumer choice and the services under offer can be more strongly linked since the users likes and dislikes can be interpreted dynamically. Unlike traditional WEB information provision AVANTI could provide a new "One to One" consumer profile based marketing approach for a wide range of products and services.


The AVANTI project has shown that compared to current traditional marketing approaches using printed or electronic information delivery, there is a significant Cost Benefit justification for AVANTI techniques applied in reasonably large information delivery services suiting organisations such as Regional Authorities, Touristic services and Consumer Products. This is due in particular to the efficient way in which the relevant information can be focused on particular market segments.

Given its marked benefits, Industrial Exploitation coming from the AVANTI project is already planned featuring a mix of consortium based products, systems and services for kiosk, adapted terminals and full information delivery platforms.