dfa@e-inclusion - Design for All for e-Inclusion

Years: 2007-2009

Partners: IFAC-CNR; The Danish Centre for Assistive Technology, Denmark; iRv, Kenniscentrum voor Revalidatie en Handicap, Netherlands; Institute of Computer Science - ICS, Greece; FHG/FIT, Germany; School of Computing Science, UK; Universitat Linz, Austria; FTB - Forschungsinstitut Technologie und Behinderung, Germany; Stakes, Finland; CEAPAT, Spain; CVUT, Czech Republic; IRIT, France; Faculty of Information Technology Department of Image Processing and Neurocomputing, Hungary; Delta Centre, Norway; SIIT, Lithuania; TGB, Belgium; SNRIPD, Portugal; ENIF, Estonia; PIM, Malta; TUKE, Slovakia; UNI-LJ-SI, Slovenia; Hjaelpmedelsinstitutet, Sweden; CRC, Ireland.

Description: The DfA@eInclusion Coordination Action (CA) aims to contribute towards the advancement of eInclusion in Europe through fostering design for all. Towards this end, DfA@eInclusion will continue, extend and enhance previous efforts targeted to the creation of a sound Design for All (DfA) interdisciplinary theoretical framework of reference and a set of proven engineering practices, by addressing the following strategic objectives: 1) Support to existing European initiatives to promote Design for All and in particular the European Design for All eAccessibility Network (EDeAN); 2) Enhancement of existing partnerships between academic, research, user, and industrial communities to promote e-inclusion through adopting and promoting effective DfA practices; 3) Facilitation of DfA knowledge spillovers across industry sectors and communities through appropriate mechanisms for knowledge transfer; 4) Support the mainstreaming of accessibility in IST products and services through a series of dissemination activities.