PALIO - Personalised Access to Local Information and services for tOurists

Years: 2000-2003

Partners: IFAC-CNR; ASSIOMA S.p.a.; TIM, Telecom Italia Mobile S.p.A; UNISI, University of Siena; Comune di Siena; MA, Systems and Control Ltd; FORTH. Net Hellenic Telecommunications and Telematics application company; Comune di Firenze.

Description: The aim and ambition of this project was to provide new and free tourist services, directly available for tourists and citizens by developing and implementing complex data systems with user friendly and personalised interfaces. The design of the PALIO service is driven by the combination of some new concepts as: personalisation, accessibility anytime, from anywhere and with any communication technology, real-time interactions. These objectives were achieved through the development of some technological and service innovations and in particular: integration of mobile and fixed telecommunication networks, methodologies and technologies for the design of scalable and personalised access,information and services, tools for service personalisation and for interaction through mobile and portable terminals.