MAIS - Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems

Years: 2002-2005

Partners: Politecnico di Milano, CEFRIEL, Università egli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Università egli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", STMicroelectronics S.r.l., Engineering, Università egli Studi di Lecce, Università oma Tre. IFAC-CNR was involved as a subcontractor of Università egli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".

Description: The MAIS project was a three year project, ended in November 2005, funded by Basic Research Funds (FIRB Program) of the Italian Department of Education (MIUR). The project approached the main research theme from a multi-disciplinary perspective, coordinated within a general framework defined in the project. The involved research areas were information systems, database systems, human computer interaction, computer networks and telecommunication, hardware design, middleware, management engineering. The goal was to develop reference models, new architectures, and prototypes to validate the theoretical proposals developed in the project. The project involved research teams from six Italian Universities, two research centers, and two industries.